The Glass Ceiling Only Cracked
Voters still hoping for the first female president set their dreams on Michelle Obama.
Americans Are Still Not Voting
The United States has a long-standing history of low voter turnout. This year’s election was no exception, with only 56.9% of the country’s eligible voters going to the polls. However, Tuesday night’s results might lead to a shift in these statistics for the next presidential election.
Election 2016
NYU Journalism’s NewsDoc Voices covers Election Day from a neighborhood point of view. Discover the journeys of some of the 8 million New Yorkers during this election season: Americans Still Not Voting The United States has a long-standing
Bernie Supporters: Still Voting
During the Democratic primary, North Brooklynites were the biggest supporters of Bernie Sanders in New York City. Kira Monin was one of those. See how Bernie supporters ended up voting on election day.
Russians for Trump, Others for Clinton: Dramatic Split in Brighton Beach
A large population of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Brighton Beach overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump in this presidential election, while other ethnic groups in the area, in particular Pakistanis, voted for Hillary Clinton.
The Votes of Young People
What do young voters think about the election? Listen to find out. NYU Journalism presents an in-depth discussion with 4 politically savvy college students about their experiences this past election season.
Harlem on the day of Election
Harlem is bustling not only with music but also with different opinions. Join me in this journey to the streets of Harlem to listen to the residents.