Governor Christie criticized but justified
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie receives flack for opening up e-voting, but could his acts be justified given the current situation of the hurricane?
Red Hook Relies on Community for Hurricane Relief
The Voices of Rockaway; Election Day 2012
The Rockaways in the New York City borough of Queens was one of the hardest hit areas of Superstorm Sandy. Only one week after the storm, the community came out to vote. These are the voices of the people.
Election Day 2012: Youth Voices in Red Hook, Brooklyn
Election Day in Red Hook, Brooklyn was a whirlwind. A week earlier, Hurricane Sandy sent rivers of rushing water through the streets. Today over 5000 residents still struggled with no access to heat, electricity, hot water, or hot food. Volunteers were everywhere, helping with necessities and trying to encourage residents to get out to the polls.
Voting After Sandy in Coney Island
Election Day in the Rockaways
Election Day in the Rockaways from Whitney Mallett on Vimeo.
Rest-A-Shored Jerseyans will push foward
While Hurricane Sandy provided some major setbacks, Jersey Residents push forward for the election
Looking for help on Election Day in Asbury Park
Ocean Grove residents Dodie and Lisa-Marie Cox had more on their minds than voting on Election Day. They spoke with News/Doc student Jenise Morgan outside an Asbury Park polling station.