Haitian workers’ rights rest precariously on TPS
While many Haitian immigrants claim temporary protected status to gain legal workers’ rights, others refrain from applying, fearing fallout when the status expires.
Despite Ground Zero, Astoria exemplifies tolerance
Small examples of religious tolerance exist despite the ongoing national and often international turmoil dominating the airwaves. Astoria, Queens, is home to 23rd Avenue, a stretch of road on which both a mosque and a church reside within a block of each other.
Pakistani Americans campaign for TPS
Pakistanis in America urge officials to grant undocumented Pakistanis with Temporary Protected Status following massive floods in Pakistan
Council Member Rodriguez challenges federal cuts to SNAP
As a reaction to significant, federal budget cuts to SNAP, for one work-week, Council Member Rodriguez limited his diet to what was provided by the federal food stamp program.
A drift away from Buddhism amongst Generation X Tibetans arouse grave concerns
With the younger generation of Tibet drifting away from Buddhism, monks like Pema Dorjee and others voice concern.
In a community so hardly hit by recession, people are often forced to look for additional jobs or work overnight, so when they come home, they don’t really care what they eat, they simply want to feed their family fast.
Rising Crime in East Harlem: Inhabitants and Police Do Not Agree on Facts
While NYPD statistics show that crime is rising in East Harlem, locals feel safer than ever.
From across the Globe, Muslim Americans Gather for Parade
Among the crowds, African-American policewomen wearing Muslim headscarves mingled with Indonesian teenagers in traditional batik printed shirts. From schoolteachers to city officials and homemakers, “unity” was the word on everyone’s lips.