Author Archives: Alex Tabet

About Alex Tabet

When a tornado rips through Alex’s native Kansas, he and his trusty dog Boning are whisked away to the magical land of 20 Cooper Square. There, they follow the Yellow Brick Road to meet the Wizard: Cora Daniels. On the way, they befriend Sabena the Scarecrow, Louise the Lion, and Ebrima the tin man. They are confronted by Alex’s arch-nemesis, Yue the Wicked of the West and her thugs Laura, Emily, Lauren and Ziyu the flying monkeys. Love wins in the end and now Alex is in journalism school. Berto was there too.

NewsDoc Politics Podcast Episode #1: The Rise of Max Rose

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In an Industry with Prejudiced Roots, Gowanus’ Triple Diamond Tattoo Parlor Represents Evolution

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One Tattoo parlor in Gowanus is breaking down barriers for tattoo artists.

New Bridge Endangers Gowanus NPO’s Optimistic Vision of the Future

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The Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club charge that the Department of Transportation plans to change the Union Street bridge over the Gowanus Canal are short sighted.