Left behind: teens and adoption

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Teenagers in the child welfare system wait the longest to be adopted, due to a combination of barriers that limit permanency.

Battling the System and Yourself

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Behind the smiles and the laughter in Erica Orr’s household lies a constant fear that some day soon her family will be no more.

Immigrant foster children

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Special Immigration Juvenile Status (SIJS) allows immigrant children in foster care to apply for permanent residency but the system needs to be made more efficient so that no child is left behind.

Identity Crisis for LGBT Group Homes

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LGBT-friendly group homes exist in an unusual paradox. A last resort for foster children neglected by their families and the child welfare system, they are also a rare safe space where LGBT adolescents are surrounded by their peers.

Harlem artists organize themselves to develop studio space

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For the first time, a group of artists in northern Manhattan have organized themselves to develop much needed spaces to create and show their art.

“Where’s Obama?”

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Ahmed Khan from Little Pakistan faces confusion on more than one level at the polling station, reflecting various underlying trends in the Pakistani neighborhood

Hijabi women seek to show the person behind the veil

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New York’s Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab work to break down the stereotypes surrounding their headscarves.

Latino artists claim three storefronts in Washington Heights

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Vantage Properties and NoMAA collaborate to connect local artists with spaces to establish storefront, street art for the month of October.