More Immigration Brings More Competition for African Business Owners in Harlem
African small-business owners in Central Harlem navigate a rise in competition as the city’s immigrant population grows.
Harlem Small Business In Crisis
The Harlem Business Alliance gives support to local entrepreneurs.
Local pharmacy loses customers after labor unions mandate mail-delivered prescriptions
Bridge Pharmacy in Bay Ridge is just one independent pharmacy that has felt the crunch of prescription by mail services.
Affordable Housing Does Not Make Bushwick Affordable to Live
Residents feel shut out of a new development as even rents marked affordable are out of reach.
Sharing the faith, four ethnicities come together to keep Bay Ridge church active
Church adapts to changing demographics by opening its doors to multiple congregations.
Crowded L Trains and Stations Could Mean Increase in Service Soon
Williamsburg redefines rush hour as subway crowds surge at night.
Peers, community leaders raise awareness on post-traumatic stress disorder
Bay Ridge becomes the kick off for Operation Warrior Wellness effort to spread awareness about PTSD across Brooklyn.
The Spiritual Meets the Physical: The Role of the Church in Getting Black Communities Healthy
Communities of Harlem Health Revival works to spread the word about healthy living.