Author Archives: Kelsey Doyle

Generation Gentrification — A Case Study of Highbridge, Bronx

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Low income housing leads to gentrification; people from higher income brackets move into affordable rent areas. What matters most, however, is keeping a portion of low-income housing for the the native residents who need to live there the most.

Millennials Votes Matter

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There is always a lower turn out at midterm elections, but the demographic group that matters to the most is the one that won’t show up. Men and women between the ages of 20-30 are sparsely sighted at the poll. Why aren’t they showing up?

Children on the Autistic Spectrum Flourish Through Gardening Programs

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Gardens have always been a place of relaxation and a space to reconnect with nature, but they have most recently been applied to a deep neurological use: to cure autism. Schools across the country are embracing horticulture therapy in the form of sensory gardens. Within these gardens, autistic children kinethetically engage with nature by planting, pruning, and harvesting.

Historical Documentation: A “New” Way Across the Harlem River

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Carlo Buscemi is one of the few architectural documentation photographers left. Documenting the architectural changes of historic landmarks, like his work photographing the Highbridge, helps us better understand the past and how we can better preserve the present for future generations.